
Zt2 walking with dinosaurs
Zt2 walking with dinosaurs

Marine Mania was the first game in the saga to include mini games (Training and Shows). Since it was launched, Zoo Tycoon 2 has received three major expansions, one of which was Marine Mania, that allowed the player to manage an independent oceanographic institute or to add sea animals to his/her zoo, including belugas, turtles, manta ray and manatee. This game places the player in the position of a zoo director, having to take all the decisions that have to do with it: choose the animals, buy new buildings and, even, to hire zookeepers and other employees. The result is a coelophysis which is anatomically accurate and at the current standard of palaeontology combined with the nostalgic flair of Walking With Dinosaurs.Zoo Tycoon 2 is one of the best economic simulation games that has been launched in the last decade. I did some slight changes to the shape based on Gregory Paul's skeletal reconstruction, mainly the hands and some proportions. I'm basing on that and fixing the key failures, while keeping the general concept of WWD. Yet to me, the WWD creatures are all very plausible and look lifelike, and that is what matters. But that is what's to be expected in science, progress and outdated reconstructions are key elements to palaeontology. Some reconstructions in WWD are partly outdated today, such as the theropod hands, bald raptors or some sizes. So much new stuff is possible now so I thought I could give it a shot and revive this.

zt2 walking with dinosaurs zt2 walking with dinosaurs zt2 walking with dinosaurs

Now a lot of time has passed, 14 years since WWD first aired and 5 or 6 years since I started the projected, and designing has come a long way. Designing was much more restricted back then, and I eventually stopped because I couldn't fix certain bugs like no-placement or blinking.

zt2 walking with dinosaurs

The plan was to make all animals featured in the epic documentary from 1999 (and it's still the best dinosaur documentary). As some of you may remember, the WWD pack was my first proper project for ZT2, way back in the golden days of ZTV.

Zt2 walking with dinosaurs