SWC - Semi- Wad cutter an all-lead flat-nosed bullet, originally designed to punch clean holes in paper, making scoring easier in competition shooting. Due to the flattened point of the bullet, it creates a larger wound channel in tissue, but does not flatten out like a hollow point thus allowing it better penetration.
A happy medium between penetration and tissue destruction.
JFP - Jacketed Flat Point a bullet with a flat tip instead of the usual rounded tip. This allows the bullet to deform more readily after striking tissue, while retaining stronger penetration than a jacketed hollow point. JSP - Jacketed Soft Point a lead-core bullet mostly enclosed by a copper jacket, but with the soft lead tip exposed. JHP - Jacketed Hollow Point a lead-core bullet mostly enclosed by a copper jacket with a recessed nose, allowing the bullet to rapidly deform and fragment after striking tissue, essentially flattening out the bullet in the target, allowing it to efficiently expend more energy instead of going through the target cleanly. This saves money and when utilized to its full potential, can prove to be a very lethal proposition when choosing this perk.ġ2 gauge 4 buck mag hand load (GRA) Gun Runners' Arsenalġ2.7mm JHP hand load (GRA) Gun Runners' ArsenalĢ0 gauge 3 buck mag hand load (GRA) Gun Runners' Arsenalĥ.56 match hand load (GRA) Gun Runners' Arsenalĥmm JSP hand load (GRA) Gun Runners' Arsenalĩmm JHP hand load (GRA) Gun Runners' Arsenal This perk is favorable for players who prefer saving cartridges and casings and making their own at a reloading bench rather than spend the caps to get them from a vendor, and those who prefer the Guns skill over most other weapon skills. The perk also doubles the chance of recovering a shell/casing whenever firing off most rounds. This perk allows you to craft six more types of ammunition at a reloading bench (plus one more with the Honest Hearts add-on, and another six with the Gun Runners' Arsenal add-on), each requiring slightly more supplies to create than the standard form.